Written by Jesse Rómlárson
I can’t believe the news today
Something happened in the world this day
No more stupid wars for oil
No more flags dividing us
Our governments don’t lie anymore
There is life in other worlds
No more nukes on the face of earth
No more money to exchange
We’ve stopped to devastate
And we will demonstrate
Paul Hewson’s dream has become true
Please just let me be
I want to live
My crazy dream
A beautiful
Allow me please
To have my dream
I’m thinking of
A possible
I’m a stupid man who believe
In a foolish thing
That you call
In our lifetime, could it be?
The power don’t rule the world
Hand in hand, we can be one
No more mindless racist thoughts
Violence is not the choice
No more wars to wage
We are wide awake
John Lennon’s dream has become true
Please just let me wish
I want to wish
To live in
A beautiful
Allow me please
To have my dream
I’m thinking of
A possible
No more poverty
Africa is now rich
Stay with us today
We have a cure for Aids
Muslims and Jews
Their friendship is now true
First and Third
North and south
East and west
But I can believe
And I want to live
This crazy dream
A beautiful
I’m a stupid man who believe
In a foolish thing
That you call